Dewan Komisaris
Koh Tji Beng | President Commissioner
National Color Singapore, born in 1959, appointed as President Commissioner on 24 May 2023, as stated in Deed No. 20 of June 13, 2023. Previously served as Director at Noah Shippings (1990-2000), Director at Hasan Holdings PTE LTD (2001-present), President Director at PT Sumber Utama Timber and as President Director at Putra Graha Sejahtera.
Alias Bin Jumaat | Commissioner
Foreign Citizen, born in 1953, Diploma in Port and Container, University of Delaware, Newark, USA, 1988, Master (Foreign Going), Marine Department Singapore, 1980, Diploma in Nautical Studies, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore, 1967. Appointed as Commissioner on June 6, 2022 as stated in Deed No. 77 dated June 28 2022 before Notary Leolin Jayayanti, SH., MKn. Previously as Business Development Consultant at the Company (2017-2022), as Shipping Director of PT. Laju Dinamika (2008-2015, as Director of Shipping Forinso Logistic Pte Ltd (2008), as General Manager at PT. Rizki Tambang Semesta (2004-2008), as Head of Corporate Business Unit at PT. Indonesia Logistic (2003-2004).
Djoko Soemarjanto | Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, born in 1962, appointed as Independent Commissioner on June 6, 2022 as stated in Deed No. 77 dated June 28 2022 before Notary Leolin Jayayanti, SH., MKn Currently also serves as Director of Para Amartha Gasindo. Previously served as Director of PT. Usra Tampi Indonesia (2016-2021), as Chief Of Marketing PT. Bakrie Steel Indonesia (2014-2017), as Managing Director of PT. Fit and Health Indonesia (2012-2014), as President Director of PT. APM Armada Autopart (2006-2012), as National Manager of PT. Semesta Citra Motorindo (2000-2006) and as Regional Manager of PT Astra Internasional Tbk (1988-2000).
Dewan Direksi
Cynthia Sunarko | President Director
Warga Negara Asing, lahir di Indonesia, tahun 1989. Lulus dari Nanyang Technological University, Singapura pada 2011 dengan gelar Sarjana Akuntansi dari Conferred Chartered Accountant (CA Singapore) di Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants pada tahun 2014. Diangkat sebagai Direktur Utama berdasarkan Keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan Perseroan sebagaimana tertuang dalam Akta No. 20 tanggal 13 Juni 2023 dihadapan Notaris Leolin Jayanti,SH.,M.Kn. Sebelumnya sebagai Komisaris Utama Perseroan (2015-2019), menjabat sebagai marketing Properti Savills Residential Estate Pte Ltd, Singapura sejak tahun (2010- 2015), sebagai Senior Associate Audit (2011-2014) di KPMG Singapura. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Konsultan Keuangan Senior di AIlianz Group, Singapura dan Jakarta (2016 - Sekarang)
Fredyanto Parlindungan | Director
Indonesian citizen, was born in Sibolga, 1962. Received a Bachelor degreein Economics Major in Accounting from Tarumanagara University in 1986. Appointed as Independent Director based on the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company as set out in the Notarial Deed of Leolin Jayanti,SH No. 28 dated Juni 10, 2014. Previously served as Director of the Company (1997-2014), Commissioner of PT Permata Barito Shipyard & Engineering (2014-2015), as Accounting Manager of PT Panca Usaha Palopo Plywood (1993-1997), Accounting and Finance Manager of PT Rolimex Corp (Sinar Mas Group) (1992-1993).
Tjauw Yani | Director
Indonesian citizen, was born in Tanjung Karang, 1966. Received a Bachelor of Economics from STIE-IBEK Jakarta in 1993. Appointed as the Director of the Company based the Resolution General Meeting of the Company’s as set out in the Notarial Deed of Leolin Jayanti.,SH.,M.Kn No. 119 dated Mei 30, 2018. Currently serves as Director of PT Permata Barito Shipyard & Engineering (2014-present). Previously as Corporate Secretary of the Company. As the Company’s Senior Financial Manager (2010-2012), GM Corporate Finance of PT Arara Abadi (Sinar Mas Forestry Division) (2001-2004), and Finance & Accounting Manager of PT Royal Oriental (Sinar Mas Real Estate Division) (1993 - 2001).
Eugene Sunarko | Direktur
Foreigner, was born in Indonesia, July 17, 1991. Received a Bachelor Degree of Business Administration-Finance and Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business, Los Angeles, CA, in 2016. He being appointed as Commissioner based on the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company as set out in the Notarial Deed of Leolin Jayanti,SH No. 91 dated Juni 21st , 2017. Currently serves as Commissioner PT Permata Barito Shipyard & Engineering (September 2016-present).
Corpore Secretary
Ria Novriani Putri | Corporate Secretary
Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir tahun 1989. Mendapat gelar Sarjana Hukum Jurusan Hukum Perdata dari Universitas Pasundan Bandung pada tahun 2014. Sebelumnya menjabat antara lain sebagai Sekretaris di PT. Majesti Mode Indonesia (2016-2018), Assistant Advokat di Kantor Hukum Benny Oewes,SH.,M.Kn & Rekan (2009-2015)